About Me

When I turned 10 years old

I was gifted a sweet poodley puppy mutt, directly followed by a How To Groom Dogs book as well as clippers and hair cutting scissors. My new furry companion had never experienced grooming or seen a brush or trimmers and my work was quite literally to be cut out for me. From that first exciting haircut I knew I loved to sculpt, cut and shape hair. My first client was equally delighted and although her first few haircuts held room for improvement, within a couple of years we were rockin’ the full show poodle Pom-Pom do.

That love has grown into a successful career spanning nearly 30 years providing professional personal care services for my human clients. (No, I don’t groom dogs any more) (just my own)

At 17 years old I graduated from The College of Beauty, Arts and Science in Arizona. I served a 2 year apprenticeship under the last generation of Vidal Sassoon trained Master Stylists, Cher Jacoby. I went on to establish and manage the hair salon in the day spa of Los Abrigados Resort and Spa in Sedona, AZ. I took full advantage of the resorts career enhancing opportunities available to enthusiastic and worthy employees and attended advanced training classes for each of the 6 years I was employed there. I started with advanced hair sculpting and mastered razor cutting, an excellent alternative to the Sassoon style of crisp, defined lines; offering a softer, wispier effect.

Each year I chose a different master class or academy to attend, with my skills being honed by the very best in the fields of hair color, aromatherapy, speed waxing and skin care.

Weary of the blazing desert, I moved to Bellingham and while working at a salon in Fairhaven I overheard a very convincing sales pitch from an island real estate agent extolling the virtues of Lopez Island and how desperately they needed someone to cut their neglected ponytails into something fabulous.

I had visited Lopez the year before and instantly fell in love with this delightful rock. I jumped at the opportunity.

2 weeks later I was watching the paint dry in my new salon and within a few weeks most Islanders had heard that The Butterfly Lady had landed. With neat tricks!

20 years later I am still tending to lovely locals and offering a lengthy menu of services to help you look and feel your best. I still take classes to stay up to date with what the cool girls are doing, although these days most classes are online.

I have an extensive array of professional hair care products that I have searched the world for- I utilize Alfa Parf, a fantastic hair care line from Italy. The latest new hotness is plant derived stem cell treatments, absolutely amazing for your hair & skin. I have dozens of products and the skills to use them to help you with your hair & skin care challenges.

Thank you for your time & getting to know a little bit about me, and perhaps what I can do to help you.

I’m looking forward to meeting you!